If you enjoy a fireplace and chimney in your home or office building, you’re not alone. But that also means that you require chimney sweeping services.
The Steamers furnishes chimney cleaning services to people in 25 locations around the United States. We possess the specialized equipment and training required to help you maintain your chimney in clean, functional condition!
Chimney sweeps inspect and clean the pipes inside a chimney, preventing the buildup of potentially flammable materials.
Chimney cleaning on a regular basis helps protect homes and businesses from potential fire and safety hazards. All chimneys eventually require cleaning.
Chimney cleaning on a regular basis helps protect homes and businesses from potential fire and safety hazards. All chimneys eventually require cleaning.
Burning fuels cause a buildup of soot and ash within pipes, and this material may eventually create a fire hazard. Fires burning in a chimney near a rooftop represent a serious safety threat.
But That’s Just Part Of The Story
Additionally, birds, squirrels and other animals sometimes access chimneys and block portions of the pipes. A bird’s nest located near the rooftop in a chimney poses a potentially serious fire hazard.
So What Are You Waiting For?
Regular maintenance by the Steamers will help you prevent these types of problems from posing a threat to your property.
Rely on The Steamers to help you keep your chimney operational. We provide important routine chimney cleaning services for residential and commercial properties
Did you know that chimney sweeping has existed as a trade for centuries? In Fact, chimney sweeps were instrumental in fire prevention. The Chimney was used so often because heat for both cooking and heating was dependent on wooden hearths.
Of course, today The Steamers uses far more advanced technology than early chimney sweeps! We’ll help you maintain your chimney in great condition through regular, routine maintenance and cleaning!
Our customers value the important services we provide. When you schedule a chimney cleaning appointment with us, consider the advantages you’ll obtain:
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